SDKs installation

Here is the guide to install the SQK for the language that you need


You can install the AcyMailing Sending Service library via Composer for your PHP project, here is how to do it.

composer require acymailing/sending-service

Once this is done don't forget to add the autoload file if that isn't already done:

require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';

You can now use the AcyMailing Sending Service library by initialising it this way

$acymailer = new AcyMailer\SendingService('your-license-key');


You can install the AcyMailing Sending Service library via npm for your node project, here is how to do it:

npm i @acymailing/sending-service

You can now use the AcyMailing Sending Service library by initialising it this way:

const mailer = new AcyMailer('your-license-key');

Last updated