The API key of a valid AcyMailing license used in the AcyMailing configuration page, tab "License".
Example of JSON body:
If you want to create a simple campaign which will be sent when you call the send endpoint:
"subject": "This is a test from the api",// Required
"name": "Name of the campaign from the api", // Required
"body": "This is the body of the email", // Not required
"from_name": "Sender name", // Not required
"from_email": "", // Not required
"reply_to_name": "No reply", // Not required
"reply_to_email": "", // Not required
"bounce_email": "", // Not required
"bcc": "", // Not required
"sending_type": "now", // Default "now"
"listIds": [1, 34, 11] // Not required
If you want to create a campaign and schedule it for later:
"subject": "This is a test from the api",// Required
"name": "Name of the campaign from the api", // Required
"body": "This is the body of the email", // Not required
"from_name": "Sender name", // Not required
"from_email": "", // Not required
"reply_to_name": "No reply", // Not required
"reply_to_email": "", // Not required
"bounce_email": "", // Not required
"bcc": "", // Not required
"sending_type": "scheduled", // Default "now"
"sending_date": "2024-06-14",
"listIds": [11] // Not required
If you want to create an automatic campaign which will be trigger every cron:
"subject": "This is a test from the api",// Required
"name": "Name of the campaign from the api", // Required
"body": "This is the body of the email", // Not required
"from_name": "Sender name", // Not required
"from_email": "", // Not required
"reply_to_name": "No reply", // Not required
"reply_to_email": "", // Not required
"bounce_email": "", // Not required
"bcc": "", // Not required
"sending_type": "auto", // Default is "now"
"frequency": "cron", // Required if sending_type is auto, must be "every" or "cron"
"need_confirm": 0, // Default is 1
"start_date": "2024-05-22", // Not required
"listIds": [1, 34, 11] // Not required
If you want to create an automatic campaign that will trigger every X hour, day, week or month:
"subject": "This is a test from the api",// Required
"name": "Name of the campaign from the api", // Required
"body": "This is the body of the email", // Not required
"from_name": "Sender name", // Not required
"from_email": "", // Not required
"reply_to_name": "No reply", // Not required
"reply_to_email": "", // Not required
"bounce_email": "", // Not required
"bcc": "", // Not required
"sending_type": "auto", // Default is "now"
"frequency": "every", // Required if sending_type is set to "auto", must be "every" or "cron"
"frequency_options": { // Required if frequency is set to "every"
"unit": "month", // Must be "hour", "day", "week" or "month"
"value": 12
"need_confirm": 0, // Default is 1
"start_date": "2024-05-22", // Not required
"listIds": [1, 34, 11] // Not required
5. If you want to update a campaign you need to add the campaignId in the body:
"campaignId": 12,
"subject": "This is a test from the api",// Required
"name": "Name of the campaign from the api", // Required
"body": "This is the body of the email", // Not required
"from_name": "Sender name", // Not required
"from_email": "", // Not required
"reply_to_name": "No reply", // Not required
"reply_to_email": "", // Not required
"bounce_email": "", // Not required
"bcc": "", // Not required
"sending_type": "now", // Default "now"
"listIds": [1, 34, 11] // Not required
You can only create automatic campaign with 2 type of triggers with the API: On every cron or every X hour, day, week or month.