Plugin: DPCalendar


This plugin enables you to insert events (one by one or by a selection on one or several categories) from DPCalendar in your Newsletters.

You can also use this plugin to automatically include your upcoming events in an Auto-newsletter.

You can search in all your events and then click on one of them to include it in your Newsletter.

If you purchased at least one commercial version of AcyMailing, you can download this plugin then install and publish it like a standard Joomla plugin.

Your events will look like this in your newsletter, of course you can fully customize the way it is rendered:


Single Event

You can use this interface to insert any event in your Newsletter.

Each event can be selected one by one.

  • Display: Select the information you want to display in your event's listing

  • Clickable Title: Choose if you want a link to be added to the title

  • Read More: Choose if you want to add a "Read more" button at the end of the event.

  • Display pictures: Choose if you want to display or not the main image and the description images and resize them if needed

  • Truncate the text after...: You can decide to truncate or not the description

  • Additional parameters:

    • itemid: You can specify the Itemid used in the event's links

    • autologin: With this parameter, the users will automatically logged in when clicking on the event's links. You should have the Autologin plugin for this.

    • nostyle: By default, AcyMailing adds a float:left CSS rule on the main image, you can remove it with this option

    • onlystartdate: display only the start date

Upcoming Events

You can select one or several categories and AcyMailing will automatically include the upcoming events from the selected categories when their starting date is between the From date and To date you specified.

  • Columns: You can decide to insert the events on one or more columns with this option

  • Max. Number of items: The inserted tag will be replaced by a maximum of X events.

  • Min. Number of items: This option will only be displayed if you access this plugin for a Smart-Newsletter. AcyMailing will only generates your Smart-Newsletter if the minimum number of events found is reached.

  • From/To or Maximum starting date: AcyMailing will include events starting between the dates you specify. If you access this plugin for a Smart-Newsletter, you will be able to specify a delay instead of a fixed date. In the above example, Acy will insert events starting between the generating day and 3 months after.

  • Additional parameters:

    • order: you can change the way the events are ordered, for example: "|order:a.start_date DESC" or "|order:a.title ASC"

    • featured: Acy will insert only featured events

    • nofeatured: Acy will insert only non-featured events

    • addcurrent: This parameter allows you to also insert already started events

Google calendar plugin

This tab is only accessible when you have the DPCalendar's "Google calendar" plugin. It allows you to insert Google calendar events the same way the "Upcoming events" tab.

The options and hidden parameters are the same as the two other tabs.


  • Custom template: You can use this button to create a custom template for this plugin

  • Itemid: You can specify the itemid used in the links

  • Hide Past Events: Hide or not the past events in the popup (when selecting events in the "Events" tab)

  • Intro Word Wrapping: the default value for the description's wrapping

  • Max picture height: Default value for the resize option

  • Max picture width: Default value for the resize option

  • Date format: the date format when displayed without the time

  • Date and time format: the date format when displayed with the time

  • Time format: the time format

  • Front-end Access: You can choose to hide this plugin's tab on the Front-end's tag popup

Customize your Event Booking events template

Customize your event using some CSS

You can change the styles used for the title and the content area by editing your AcyMailing template.

Edit the AcyMailing template used for your Newsletter and then set some styles:

  • Style for the content area will be used to encompass your content

  • Style for the content title will be applied to the title

  • Style for the read more link will be applied to your read more link (if you have one)

  • You can also set the style of all your links using the Link a field

Set styles template

Create your own template

You can also modify the way your event is displayed by creating your own template which will be used to render the event.

Please follow those instructions, we don't recommend you to modify the plugin directly otherwise your changes will be overwritten when you update the plugin.

Create the custom template as explained here, on the created file you can access to the element $varFields that contains all the needed data.

You can insert the event's information using this simple syntax : {title}, {wrappeddesc}, {descriptionEvent}, {imageHTML}, or {link}

Using all those variables, you can create your own template.

Here is an example:

<div class="acymailing_content">
    <a href="{link}" target="_blank" >
        <h2 class="acymailing_title">{title}</h2>
    <img alt="" src="{imagePath}" /><br/>
    From: {startdate}<br/>
    To: {enddate}<br/>
    At: {eventlocation}<br/>
    URL: {urllink}

Last updated