Plugin: Squeeze Page
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You can download our squeeze page plugin via our plugins section.
This plugin enables you to display an Acymailing's subscription form in a squeeze page when a user lands on your site.
So for example, a user browses your website and if he stays more than 10 seconds on one of your page, a popup will appear to propose a subscription to your list.
This popup won't appear in the next 30 days to not bother this same user again.
Both delays (number of seconds before the popup appears and the number of days before displaying again that popup) can be changed on the plugin parameters
Help: A link to this documentation
Reset: Reset the popup's timer for your web browser. This way, you will be able to see the Squeeze Page the next time you browse the front end (provided that you are not registered to the lists). Use it to verify your settings
Number of days before displaying again the popup: If the user saw the squeeze page but chose not to subscribe, he will be asked again after the specified number of days
Id of Acymailing's subscription module: Number by which the module you want to display on the squeeze page is identified in your database. See below how to retrieve it
Lists: Do not open the Squeeze Page if the user is already subscribed to at least one of the selected lists (this option will only work if the user is logged in on your website)
Timer: Number of seconds to wait before displaying the Squeeze Page
Included Menu IDs: You can specify here a list of menu IDs or extensions separated by a comma on which you want the squeeze page to appear. It will not appear on other pages than the one specified here. Leave this option empty if you want the squeeze page to be displayed on all pages. Example : com_content,99,287 => The squeeze page may appear only if the user is on the menu IDs 99 or 287 or if the current component is com_content.
Excluded Menu IDs: You can specify here a list of menu IDs separated or extensions separated by a comma on which you don't want the squeeze page to appear. Example : com_virtuemart,1 => The squeeze page will not appear if the menu ID 1 is selected or if the current component is com_virtuemart.
Design file: You can enter a filename here and if you do, AcyMailing will load this file instead of the component.php file of your template.
To retrieve the module id, perform the following steps:
1. Go to the Module Manager page
2. Locate your module, and note the value displayed in the ID column
This option has been added with AcyMailing 4.4.0 please make sure you use the latest version of this squeeze box plugin and AcyMailing before trying to use it.
By default AcyMailing will use the file component.php from your own template and will display the module inside. That's the standard method to display content in a popup and your Joomla template should handle that properly.
You can also create your own file and AcyMailing will then not use the component.php file any more but only your custom design. To do that:
Create you custom design file (mydesign.php for example) and add it in the folder: media/com_acymailing/plugins/squeezepage/ Do not add an underscore in the file name as you won't be able to choose this design later. Underscore is used to add parameter (mobile version for example). There are already 3 default designs: flatdesign, inlinedesign and overbgdesign
Edit the plugin and go in the advanced options. You will see the available designs in the option "Design file". Select the one you just added there.
AcyMailing will now try to load the file media/com_acymailing/plugins/squeezepage/YOURFILENAME.php So in our example : media/com_acymailing/plugins/squeezepage/mydesign.php
You should create this file like a full html page, nothing else will be loaded except this page! So add your html header, your CSS files... everything you need just like if it was an independent page. And inside this page, write the tag {module} which will be automatically replaced by the content of the module.
You can also have a special file for mobiles only... name it YOURFILENAME_mobile.php in the media/com_acymailing/plugins/squeezepage/ folder and Acy will use it when the user browses your website via a mobile device. Example :
I entered "mydesign" in the plugin parameter.
I create a file media/com_acymailing/plugins/squeezepage/mydesign_mobile.php which will be loaded for mobile devices.
I create a file media/com_acymailing/plugins/squeezepage/mydesign.php which will be loaded for other devices.
By default your mydesign.php file should look like: