
Open rate

How does it work?

When AcyMailing sends an HTML e-mail to your user, it will include in this e-mail a small picture.

The first time this picture is loaded by the receiver, AcyMailing will increment the number of unique open for that Newsletter and the number of times this user opened it.

If this same picture is loaded again, AcyMailing will only increment the number of times this user opened it so the open rate indicates the percentage of users who opened your Newsletter at least one time.

Is that 100% accurate?

This system only works with HTML e-mails so if you send a plain text messages, your open rate can't be calculated.

Some mail clients won't display pictures by default so the receiver will have to click on the link "Always display pictures from..." to display pictures and get recorded as somebody who opened your Newsletter.

So no, the open rate is not 100% accurate and you should only use it to compare results between your Newsletters.

Percentage of opened emails: Great > 30% Good – 15-30% Poor < 15%

How can I turn it OFF?

The tracking picture is inserted by the plugin "AcyMailing : Statistics Plugin".

You can disable this plugin for the AcyMailing configuration, tab "plugins".

What does it mean if a user opens it more than one time?

Technically, it means the statistics picture has been loaded more than one time.

So it could be because the user forwarded to another user or simply because he read it several times.

Some mail software have a "preview" system where the message is loaded when the user access his mailbox, that could cause the stat picture to be loaded a lot of times.

I get 100% open rate a little after sending my newsletter, am I very lucky today or..?

100% open rate would be perfect, but I'm sorry that shouldn't be the case.

Since April 2015, a new anti-spam tool (at least on SiteGround) checks every images link to see if it's really an image. Unfortunately, the open statistics in the newsletters are calculated using a link in an image and this tool "Clicks" on this statistic link...

Simply update AcyMailing to its latest version, we already found a workaround!

Statistics listing


This screen enables you to see the statistics of any e-mail sent by AcyMailing.

  • Compare : If you selected at least 2 newsletters or previously added some, clicking this button will take you to the statistics comparison page

  • Add : You can add the selected newsletters to the compare tool using this button (useful when selecting newsletters on different pages)

  • Reset : If you click on this button, it will reset the compare page (so you can select other newsletters)

  • Export : If you click on this button, you will export the statistics you see on the page

  • Delete : You can select one or several messages and then click on the delete button in order to delete the statistics of this message. By clicking on the delete button, you won't delete the message but simply the statistics associated to this message.

  • Help : This button enables you to turn ON/OFF the help section, this screen will appear or disappear.


statistics listing

  • Send Date : Latest send date of the e-mail

  • Subject : Subject of the e-mail sent. If you click on the subject of the e-mail, a popup will open with some charts statistics.

  • E-mail Opens : Number of e-mails opened by your receivers. The percentage is calculated using the number of e-mails sent in HTML as AcyMailing can not determine the number of e-mails opened for the plain text version. AcyMailing adds a small blank picture in all your HTML Versions in order to determine if the e-mail has been opened or not. Your receivers may open the e-mail but not accept to display pictures, in which case AcyMailing will consider the e-mail as not being opened. This number indicates the MINIMUM number of e-mails read by your receivers, not the real one as AcyMailing cannot track all of them. If you click on the link, you will be redirected to the detailed statistics listing.

  • Efficiency : The efficiency is the percentage of users who clicked on a link based on the number of users who opened on your Newsletter.

  • Clicked a link : If you turned on the URL Tracker Plugin, AcyMailing will be able to track all links in your Newsletter. This column indicates you the percentage of users who clicked at least on one link in your Newsletter. This percentage is calculated based on the number of e-mails sent in HTML as AcyMailing only tracks the links in HTML e-mails. This column is only available from AcyMailing Essential. If you click on the link, you will be redirected to the URL Tracker listing.

  • Unsubscribe : If you included an unsubscribe link in your e-mail, AcyMailing is able to know who unsubscribed from the link in this e-mail. This column is only available from AcyMailing Enterprise.

  • Forwarded : If you included a "forward to a friend" link in your e-mail, AcyMailing will track the number of users who forwarded your Newsletter. This column is only available from AcyMailing Enterprise.

  • Sent in HTML : Indicates the number of e-mails sent in HTML format.

  • Sent in Text : Indicates the number of e-mails sent in Plain text format.

  • Bounces : Indicates the percentage of bounces for this mailing. A bounce is a notice sent by When the e-mail server receiving the e-mail for the user you sent it to did not accept your email, it sends back a bounce message in order to notify you. This option is only available with AcyMailing Enterprise and only if you configured properly your bounce handling system.

  • Failed : Indicates how many e-mails could not be sent by AcyMailing.

  • Stats per list : Display some comparative graphs according to the list it has been sent to. This column is only available from AcyMailing Enterprise.

  • ID : ID of the e-mail.


This chart is only available from AcyMailing Enterprise. By clicking on the subject of any e-mail, you will be able to see some charts.

Statistics detailed listing


This screen enables you to see the status of all e-mails sent by AcyMailing. You can order your listing based on any column. You can also filter it with a specific e-mail via the dropdown available on the right. You can also search for a specific user or an e-mail.


  • Export : This button will export the users you can see on the page.

  • Global Statistics : Go back to the global statistics screen.

  • Help : This button enables you to turn ON/OFF the help section, this screen will appear or disappear.



  • Send Date : Send date of the e-mail.

  • Subject : Subject of the e-mail sent to the user. You can click on the subject to edit the e-mail itself.

  • User : Receiver of the e-mail. You can click on the user to edit his profile.

  • Version : Version sent to the user : HTML or Plain Text.

  • E-mail Opens : Indicates you if the user opened the e-mail and how many times he opened it. This option can only work with HTML e-mails. Also, if the user didn't accept to display pictures when reading the e-mail, he won't be counted as an opened e-mail.

  • Bounces : Indicates if the e-mail bounced or not. If the value is superior to 0, it means that the e-mail server receiving the e-mail did not accept it and sent one or several notices back. This column is only available with AcyMailing Enterprise.

  • Delivered : Indicates if the e-mail has been sent by AcyMailing or not.

Click tracking

All our commercial versions include an url tracker.

You will be able to know the number of clicks per link in your Newsletter.

Using AcyMailing Enterprise, you will even see who clicked on which link for each Newsletter.

The attributes passw, user, subid, key and user_var(0-9) will be removed from the recorded link in the statistics (so there will not be 3000 links if you sent your newsletter to 3000 users and that there is a different link for each user).

You can use the attribute user_var(0-9) (user_var675 for example) in your links, it is an additional attribute unused in AcyMailing (since v4.9.0).

Statistics calculation

Since AcyMailing version 4.9.3, some statistics calculation rules have been updated with a little change in the display. It mainly concerns the percentages. Here is a recapitulation of the rules:

  • Open rate: number of unique open / (sent as HTML + sent as text - bounces)

  • Clicked a link: number of unique click / (sent as HTML + sent as text - bounces)

  • Efficiency: number of unique click / number of unique open

  • Unsubscribe: number of unsubscribes / (sent as HTML + sent as text - bounces)

  • Sent: sent as HTML + sent as text

  • Bounces: number of bounces / number of sent

Frequently Asked Questions

My statistics are not working, what can I do?

AcyMailing inserts a small picture in your Newsletters to track the open rate.

This picture should be accessible for everybody and you should make sure to click on the button "display pictures from that website" when you received your Newsletter.

  • Make sure the default AcyMailing plugins are activated, especially the "AcyMailing Tag : Subscriber information" plugin

  • Your website should be online and publicly accessible... If you have a restricted access to your website or if your website is a local one, it won't work. Make sure the option "Site Offline" is disabled on the Joomla configuration page.

  • AcyMailing should be attached to a menu with a public access. Please check the menu attached to Acy on the AcyMailing configuration page to make sure it's publicly accessible.

  • Do you have sh404SEF installed? If so then we recommend you to edit the sh404SEF configuration and configure it to skip AcyMailing. Then access the sh404SEF urls and delete all urls containing com_acymailing.

  • With AcyMailing v2 we added a column "IP" on the acymailing_userstats table. You should check the structure of this table via phpMyAdmin to make sure it has been added as it should. If not, that would also prevent the statistics from being recorded. Since AcyMailing 4.7.0 we added an easy verification for that... access the AcyMailing configuration page and click on the button "check database integrity" within the "security" tab.

  • Did you customize your .htaccess file? If so, try this url (please enter your own website url!) : It should display a picture (you won't see much on that screen) but if there is a redirection to another page then the stats won't work and that's probably because you set up some rules in your .htaccess file to redirect to another page.

Last updated

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