Plugin: (auto)Subscribe during Joomla registration
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This plugin enables you to automatically synchronize your Joomla Users and your AcyMailing Users.
Using this plugin, the changes made on the Joomla User Profile will be incorporated into the AcyMailing User Profile. For example, if the user changes his e-mail address on his Joomla Profile, his e-mail address will be also changed on his AcyMailing Profile... but AcyMailing will NEVER modify the profile of your Joomla User, the synchronization is done only from Joomla to AcyMailing, not the other way.
This plugin also enables you to automatically subscribe a user to one or several mailing lists during his registration process. If you enable this plugin, users registered via Joomla, VirtueMart, JomSocial... will be automatically added in AcyMailing and subscribed to the selected lists.
This plugin will also enable you to display a list selection on your Joomla registration form so your users can select the lists they want to be subscribed to during the Joomla registration process.
For Community Builder users, please use our Community Builder Plugin and unpublish this one.
In the AcyMailing configuration, tab "Subscription" you can select one or several lists to be subscribed automatically on AcyMailing user creation:
Auto-subscribe to a list
Since AcyMailing 4.5.0, you can choose what field you want to display on your Joomla registration forms in the custom fields management page:
You can edit the parameters of this plugin via the Joomla Plugin Manager or the AcyMailing Configuration page.
registration parameters
Lists displayed on registration form : You can also decide to display your list on the Joomla registration form so the user will be able to select or not the list during his registration. In that case, please don't add the same lists on the parameter "auto-subscribe to" otherwise the user will be subscribed to the list anyway.
Lists checked by default : You can configure AcyMailing to check the lists displayed on your Joomla registration form or not...
Subscribe Caption : This text will be displayed on your Joomla registration form (if you display some lists). By default the text "Subscribe :" will be displayed in the current language but you can customize it the way you want if needed.
Display mode: You can choose here the way your lists will be displayed
Display the lists/fields after : You can display your lists at the end of the Joomla registration form or just after the field "E-mail".
Display the lists/fields after (custom): You can specify an other field's name so Acy will add the lists below this field. By "field's name", I mean the "name" attribute of the HTML element (if you don't know it, right click on the element then select "Inspect element" to see its "name" attribute at the bottom of your browser).
Send notification: If this option is checked, a second notification will be sent to the administrator in addition to the Joomla's default e-mail.
Force double opt-in: This option force the use of the double opt-in despite the main configuration.
Custom CSS: Allow you to add some CSS code to display the AcyMailing fields in a different way.
User deletion behavior: By default, when the Joomla user is deleted the AcyMailing user is also deleted and this option enables you to avoid deleting the AcyMailing user.
Excluded components: You may have several integrated components on your site but don't necessary want to add the AcyMailing lists on all your components forms. This option enables you to exclude some components from this plugin.
Display category name: Display or not the lists categories above them when added to the Joomla registration form.
Here is how the AcyMailing lists and custom fields are inserted on your Joomla registration form, of course you can customize it using CSS:
after email
If you use this plugin for the VirtueMart registration form, you may want to add this CSS to the CSS area on the plugin parameters to display it properly: