Plugin: Community Builder
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The AcyMailing plugin for Community Builder enables you to add a Mailing list subscription on your Community Builder registration form.
It also enables your users to modify their subscription by editing their profile.
Please make sure you do not display some lists using our (auto)Subscribe during the Joomla registration form plugin otherwise the selected lists will be unsubscribed instead of subscribed.
Log in to your backend and click on the menu "Components -> Community Builder -> Plugin Management".
At the bottom of the Plugin Management page of Community Builder, you will see an area enabling you to upload a new plugin.
Browse for the AcyMailing plugin you just downloaded and then click on the button "Upload File & Install".
In the CB Tab management, publish the new AcyMailing tab
You should now see the AcyMailing Plugin part of the Community Builder Plugins. Don't forget to publish the AcyMailing plugin.
CB plugin
Lists displayed on the registration form : The selected lists will be displayed on your Registration form. You can easily choose one or several lists using the "select" button which will open a popup and display all your lists.
Lists checked by default : The selected lists will be checked by default. Some countries do not allow you to check lists by default if it's not for "non-profit". This option will let you easily check some lists and not others in order to stay compliant with your local rules.
Lists displayed on the user profile : Select here the lists you want to display on your CB user profile (when the user edits its profile).
Update user subscription on registration : If the user is already subscribed to your lists, should we update the subscription based on the selected lists on the registration form (and so remove the user if he didn't select all your lists) or should we simply add the new lists to its subscription?
Fields association : If you created extra fields in CB and in AcyMailing, you may want the CB value to be automatically applied to your AcyMailing user profile. You can define your rules in this area... The format used is : acymailingfield=cbfield For example, you create an Acy field called "country" and a cb field called "cb_country", you can write there: country=cb_country
Display Receive HTML/Text : If you turn Off this field, the option "receive : Html / Text" won't be displayed and the user will be added with the option "receive HTML" ON.
Description as an overlay : You can add the description of the list in an overlay on the visible lists. Be careful! If you turn this option On, you might have conflicts with Internet Explorer and flash.
Subscribe Caption : Text displayed for the subscription field on the CB Registration page. If you leave this field empty, the word "Subscription" will be used from your default language file.
This plugin will add three screens:
A list selection on the Community Builder registration page (optional)
cb registration
A new tab on the CB User profile to display the subscription
Profile Show
A new tab on the CB User profile so the user can manage his subscription
CB Edit
If you want to display the Acy lists on the CB registration form, you should make sure that:
the plugin is enabled (obviously)
the lists are selected in the plugin (obviously)
the Acy tab is enabled in the CB tab management page
your Acy lists are enabled AND visible
your Acy lists don't have a view/subscribe access level that prevents users from seeing them
the lists are NOT selected in the option "Auto-subscribe on Joomla registration" in the Acy configuration page, tab "Subscription"
You will be able to order your fields in Community Builder depending on their position. Two fields with the same position can be moved and reordered so first, you should set a position to the AcyMailing tab:
Click on the menu Community Builder -> Tab Management and edit the AcyMailing plugin. Select the position "Main area" and save the plugin. You can now order your lists at the bottom of the CB registration form by editing the ordering field.