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AcyMailing configuration
This screen enables you to configure AcyMailing.
During the install process, AcyMailing will be automatically configured using your Joomla Configuration but you can modify it at any time.
You will also find a tool to easily publish/unpublish the AcyMailing plugins and add/modify the AcyMailing languages files.
Configuration Toolbar
Send a test : Save the configuration page and send a test e-mail to the currently logged in user (you!) using your configuration. This button enables you to make sure you can send e-mails using AcyMailing.
Save : Save the configuration page and return to the AcyMailing Dashboard.
Apply : Apply the modifications and stay on the same screen.
Cancel : Return to the AcyMailing Dashboard.
Help : This button enables you to turn ON/OFF the help section, this screen will appear or disappear.
Mail Sender
From Name : Default "From Name" used in all your Newsletters. You can modify this property for each Newsletter you write.
From Address : Default E-mail address used as "from" in all your Newsletters. You can modify this property for each Newsletter you write.
Reply-to Name : Default "Reply To Name" used in all your Newsletters. You can modify this property for each Newsletter you write.
Reply-to Address : Default E-mail address used as "reply-to" in all your Newsletters. So, if your receivers click on "reply-to" when they read your e-mail, their response will be sent to this e-mail address. You can modify this property for each Newsletter you write. You can add several reply-to address by separating them with a coma and no spaces: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Bounce Address : All automatic response will be sent to this e-mail address. This e-mail address won't be visible for your receivers, it's only useful for server processing and will be used to check your spam score, send you the bounce e-mails (address not found, mailbox not available, mailbox full...).
Some servers restrict the use of the "bounce address" parameter to a local e-mail account. So if my website is, I will only be able to send e-mails if my bounce address is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Please make sure you can still send a test Newsletter after editing this parameter... If you are unsure, just leave this field empty.
Add Names : If this option is turned ON, the sender and receiver name will appear in the sender/receiver information. If this option is turned OFF, only the e-mail address will be visible. For example: Acy will send the message to "Name <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>" with the option turned ON whereas it will be sent to "This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it." with this option turned OFF. This option won't alter your Newsletter body/subject.
Mail Configuration
Mailer Method : Mailer method used to send your e-mails. We recommend the PHP Mail Function but in some cases you might want to use an external SMTP Server (you can even use your own GMail account!). SMTP will be a little bit slower but you might decrease your spam score by using it.
Encoding Format : Encoding format used for all your Newsletters. We recommend 8-Bit to reduce the spam score.
Charset : Charset used for all your Newsletters. We recommend UTF-8 if you send english or international e-mails. We recommend to use the charset used in your country if your business is local.
Word Wrapping : Some servers do not allow you to send e-mails with more than xx characters per line. This parameter enables you to set this limitation.
Hostname : Sets the hostname to use in Message-Id and Received headers and as default HELO string. Leave this field empty if you don't know what is it.
Use https urls : AcyMailing will automatically convert your relative urls into absolute ones. You can configure Acy to use httpS urls or standard http ones. If you turn ON this option, you should make sure your website has an SSL certificate and is able to display httpS links!
Embed Images : Should AcyMailing embed your pictures inside the Newsletter? If so, the send process will take more time but the recipient won't have to download the picture form your website in order to display it. By default, this option is set to NO so the pictures included in your Newsletter will stay on your own website.
Embed Attachments : Should AcyMailing embed your attachments inside the Newsletter? If not, AcyMailing will add a list of attachments with a link to your website in order to download it. If you disable this option, the send process will be much faster as AcyMailing won't send the attachment but a simple link.
Send Multiple Part : Should AcyMailing send multiple part e-mails? If so, AcyMailing will send the text and the html version in the e-mail so that depending on the recipient server, the appropriate version will be opened.
SMTP Configuration
Server : Address of the SMTP Server. Example :
Port : Port used to connect to your SMTP Server. Leave this field empty if you don't know which port you should use. (GMail does use the port 465 because it's an SSL method)
Secure Method : Should AcyMailing use an SMTP Secure Connection? For GMail, you should select SSL. This option should only be used if your SMTP server uses a secured sending method.
Keep Alive : Should AcyMailing keep your SMTP Connection opened during the send Process? We recommend to turn ON this option. This option should be turned OFF only if you have problems. If you turn it OFF, AcyMailing will connect to your SMTP server, then send one e-mail and then close the connection. It will need reopen the connection with your SMTP server to send another e-mail so it may consume a lot of time whereas if you turn this option ON, AcyMailing will open the connection with the SMTP server once, send the whole batch of e-mails and then close the connection.
Authentication : If you enter a Username and a Password to connect to your SMTP Server, please turn ON this option.
Username : Username used to connect to your SMTP Server.
Password : Password used to connect to your SMTP Server.
Test your SMTP ports
Since some hosting companies block SMTP connexions to external servers, we added a quick test so you can easily see the ports opened on your server and the blocked ones...
Just click on the "What port can I use from my website?" link to trigger that test and Acy will display a list of ports blocked or opened.
A blocked port may be blocked by your own server or by a firewall within your host.
If none of your ports are opened and your host does not want to open any, then you can still use our REST API integration with ElasticEmail.
Queue process
Please read this article if you want to know how to configure AcyMailing to stay below your server limitations.
Queue Processing : If you use the "automatic only" sending method, AcyMailing will always use the automatic process and won't even start the manual send process if you send an e-mail from the backend. This option is only available from AcyMailing Essential. If you use our Free version, you won't see this option and the send process can only be triggered manually and run on your own session. Please note that the send frequency should match with your cron frequency. This parameter is only there for security so your website can't be triggered too often.
Automatic send process : Using the automatic send process, AcyMailing will automatically send X e-mails every Y minutes without you having to do anything. The send process will run on the background and not on your own session so you can turn off your computer and let Acy do the job.
Manual send process : Using the manual send process, AcyMailing will send a batch of e-mails, then wait X seconds and send another batch then wait X seconds and ... You can configure the time AcyMailing will wait between two batches. If you select the "Manual Only" option, automatic actions such as sending scheduled Newsletters or follow-up messages won't work.
Automatic / Manual send process : If this option is selected, AcyMailing will send the Newsletter using the manual send process unless you schedule it. Follow-up messages will be sent automatically.
Maximum Number of Tries : If AcyMailing cannot send the e-mail after X tries, AcyMailing will delete the e-mail from the queue. Most of the time, that means the e-mail address is not valid so AcyMailing can also execute an action on the subscriber to not send him e-mails any more. This option is different from the bounce handling as it will be only applied if your server refuses to deliver the e-mail, not if the e-mail is delivered but then bounces because the receiver does not exist. Most of the time, the mail server will accept to deliver the email anyway (and so that option is useless) and will then generate a bounce email that Acy can handle with its bounce handling system.
Maximum execution time : Your server may not allow AcyMailing to run for a long time... We display here the default value from your php.ini file and also the one we calculated... Some servers enable us to extend the maximum execution time, others don't... Acy will use this value to end the send process properly before your server stops it badly.
Order the send process by : In addition to the sending date, you can order the send process by subscriber ID asc (1,2,3...), desc (8546,8545,8544...) or randomly (4,684,12...)
The automatic send process, the Newsletter generation, the Newsletter scheduling and the Follow-ups require a cron task. You can either create a cron task on your own server or use our free service on to create one. If you don't know how to set up a cron task on your own server or if you cannot make it work on your own server, don't bother with that and simply use our own free service.
Cron config
Next Run Time : Next time the Cron task is allowed to run. It does not mean that the cron task will run AcyMailing at this exact time. But it means AcyMailing will accept a cron url if it triggers AcyMailing after this time.
Cron URL : Cron URL to trigger AcyMailing. You should use this URL to create your cron task. You can make sure it's a working url by clicking on the link.
Send a report :When does AcyMailing should send a report?
Send the report to : You can enter one or several e-mail addresses so that AcyMailing will send the report to those users (separate each e-mail address with a comma).
Save the report : Which report should AcyMailing save in the log file? For example, the simple report will tell you "256 emails sent" and the detailed report will tell you "Email XXX successfully sent to XXX, Email XXX successfully sent to YYY, etc..."
Save the report to : Location of the log file.
Last Run Time : Last time AcyMailing executed actions via the cron url.
Triggered from the IP : AcyMailing has been triggered by the following IP.
Report : Latest report generated by AcyMailing.
Newsletter priority : When AcyMailing queue your e-mails, AcyMailing will order them depending on the send date and the priority. So, if you want your Newsletter to be sent immediately, you can set up a lower priority number and it will be sent before the others.
Follow-up priority : Priority for the Follow-up messages. Usually, you want those e-mails to be sent without delay. So they need a lower priority number.
Priority level 1 is top priority
Priority level 2 is important
Priority level 3 is less important
Configuration Subscription
Subscription configuration
Allow non logged in users : Do you allow simple visitors to subscribe to your Mailing Lists? If not, only logged in users will be able to subscribe.
Require Confirmation : Should the user click on a confirmation link before being considered as a subscriber? If you require a confirmation, you can edit the confirmation e-mail using the button "Edit Confirmation Email". US and Canadian users: You have to turn ON this option to be CAN-SPAM compliant.You can use a confirmation email per subscription form. For this, create a newsletter with the alias "confirmation-module-256" if you want to use it for the module with the ID "256". You can also use "confirmation-menu-438" for the "subscribe/modify your subscription" menu with the ID 438.
Auto-subscribe on Joomla registration : Using the "select" button, you can select the lists you want the user to be automatically subscribed to during the Joomla registration process (or any other component using the standard Joomla User registration system). This option works with the AcyMailing : auto-subscribe plugin so this plugin has to be enabled if you want it to work.
Allow user data modifications without identification : When your users are not identified by the system, do you allow them to modify their subscription? If you select "No", then an identification message will be sent to the user with a link to enable him to modify his subscription. If you select "Only his subscription" then his subscription will be updated but not his personal data (name, receive html...). If you select "Yes", the subscription and the data will be updated without extra identification.
Auto-generate User's name : When a user subscribes without entering his name (if you removed the name field from the subscription form for example), AcyMailing will automatically generate a name based on his e-mail address if this option is enabled.
Notification configuration
When a new user is created, send an e-mail to : Send an e-mail to those e-mail addresses each time a new user is created from the front-end. You can edit the notification e-mail by clicking on the button "Edit Notification Email".
When a user unsubscribes from a list, send an e-mail to : Send an e-mail to those e-mail addresses if a user unsubscribes from at least one of your lists (from the module or from the unsubscribe link).
When a user unsubscribes from all Lists, send an e-mail to : Send an e-mail to those e-mail addresses if a user unsubscribes from all your lists (from the unsubscribe link inserted in your Newsletter).
When a user refuses to receive e-mails, send an e-mail to : Send an e-mail to those e-mail addresses if a user refuses to receive messages from your website.
When a user submits the subscription form : Send an e-mail to those e-mail addresses if a user submits the subscription form.
When a user submits the menu subscription form : Send an e-mail to those e-mail addresses if a user submits the subscription form from menu "Subscribe/Modify your subscription".
When a user confirms his subscription : Send an e-mail to those e-mail addresses if a user confirms his subscription.
Configuration Redirections
Redirection after subscription : Enter the url you want the user to be redirected to after he clicked on the subscribe button from the component view interface (accessible via a menu). This redirection does not affect the module subscription. Please edit your module if you want to set a redirection after the module subscription.
Redirection after subscription modification : Enter the url you want the user to be redirected to after he clicked on the modify your subscription button from the component view interface (accessible via a menu or via the "modify your subscription" link inserted in your Newsletter). This redirection does not affect the module subscription. Please edit your module if you want to set a redirection after the module subscription.
Redirection after Confirmation : Enter the url you want the user to be redirected to after he clicked on the confirmation link in the confirmation e-mail. You can use the tags {subid}, {email}, {name} in this url which will be replaced by the ID, email or name of the subscriber. You can set up a custom redirection per subscribed list by editing your language files in the Acy configuration page then adding REDIRECTION_CONFIRMATION_LISTID="the link" where "LISTID" is the real list ID.
Redirection after Unsubscription : Enter the url you want the user to be redirected to after he unsubscribes. This redirection URL does not apply to the Module Unsubscription! Please edit the AcyMailing module for that.
Allowed domains for the module redirection : List of domains allowed to be used as redirect url on your module. You can enter as many domains as you want separated by | If you don't want AcyMailing to do a verification on the redirect urls, you can set this option to "all". You only have to fill it for external subscription forms, the redirect url you add to your module will be automatically added anyway.
You can record the user location with our Enterprise version.
Display a message on subscription : Should AcyMailing display a confirmation message when the user subscribes on your website?
Display a message on confirmation : Should AcyMailing display a confirmation message when the user confirms his subscription?
Display a message on unsubscription : Should AcyMailing display a confirmation message when the user unsubscribes from your website?
Display a message when sending the confirmation e-mail : Should AcyMailing display a confirmation message when AcyMailing sends the confirmation e-mails?
Display a message when sending the welcome e-mail : Should AcyMailing display a confirmation message when AcyMailing sends one or several welcome e-mails?
Display a message when sending the unsubscribe e-mail : Should AcyMailing display a confirmation message when AcyMailing sends one or several unsubscribe e-mails?
Module CSS File : Select the CSS file used for the AcyMailing module.
Component Front-end CSS File : Select the CSS file used for the AcyMailing component on the front-end.
Additional Back-end CSS File : You can add some CSS rules in addition to the default ones on the Back-end of AcyMailing with this option
You can edit each CSS file via this interface. Click on the button "Edit" and a popup will load with the existing file. AcyMailing won't apply the modifications on the default one but it will create a custom file and select it so that you won't loose your modifications if you update or upgrade AcyMailing. You will find all the AcyMailing CSS files in the folder media/com_acymailing/css/.
Use Bootstrap on the front-end : This option will only appear for Joomla 3.x. If your Joomla front-end template does not load the Bootstrap CSS files, then you should turn it OFF.
Enable the Forward capability : On all our commercial version you can add a "forward to a friend" link in your Newsletter. This option enables you to turn ON/OFF this feature.
Use SEF Urls : When sending a Newsletter from the front-end (via the cron task for example), AcyMailing can transform your links to use SEF ones.
Track clicks with: Enable or disable the click tracking in Acymailing and Google Analytics.
Track links for external websites: Track or not the external websites links (for example if you added a link to google in your newsletter)
Menu Linked to AcyMailing : Select the Menu you want to link to AcyMailing. Users having problems with access levels should select a menu which is opened to non registered users. Please always make sure you select a menu WITHOUT access level on it so that all your users will be able to access the unsubscribe page.
Editor : Select the editor you want to use to edit all your AcyMailing E-mails.
AcyMailing enables you to display archive Newsletters on your front-end.
Please create a new Joomla Menu, type "AcyMailing" and select one of the two available menus to display an archive section on your website.
Archive section
User Comments: If jComments, jomComment, RSComments, Komento or Disqus is installed on your Joomla website, you should see this option which will enable you to let your users add comments about your Newsletters.
Display subject : By default your Newsletter subject will be displayed at the top of the Newsletter, you can decide to hide it by turning this option off.
PDF Icon : You can add a PDF icon on your archive section so your users will be able to export your plain text version of the Newsletter (only on Joomla 1.5).
Print Icon : You can add a print icon on your archive section so your users will be able to print your Newsletter.
Display the list description : AcyMailing will add your list description on your Newsletter listing, you can remove it with this option.
Display table headings : On the Newsletter listing, AcyMailing will display some headings (subject, send date) that you can remove using this option.
Display send-date column : Do you want AcyMailing to display your Newsletter's send date?
Display Filter : Should AcyMailing display a search box so your users can search in your Newsletters?
Open the archive is a popup : To you want the Newsletter to be opened in a popup instead of inside your Joomla template? This option does not affect the "view it online" link. If you want to change the "view it online" link, then you should access the website links plugin parameters.
Index/Follow Archive : Do you want your archived newsletters not to be indexed by search engines (noindex) and that they don't follow the links contained in your newsletter (nofollow)?
See the dedicated page to learn more about the unsubscribe page
AcyMailing Enterprise enables you to manage your Newsletters from the front-end.
Front end
When you create a Newsletter via the front-end, the default sender information will be applied to this Newsletter.
Nevertheless you can change some options to apply the currently logged in user information in the Newsletter instead of the default ones.
Logged-in User as Sender : Do you want the logged-in user to be specified by default as sender of the Newsletter?
Logged-in User as Reply-to : Do you want the logged-in user to be specified by default as reply-to of the Newsletter?
Allow modifications : Do you allow a user to edit the Newsletter created by another user?
Allow post-sent edit : Do you allow the user to edit the Newsletter after the Newsletter has been sent or scheduled?
Delete button behavior : Should the delete button really delete the user or simply unsubscribe him from the current list.
Our footer will be automatically removed from the front-end and from your emails if you use one of our paid versions.
In all our commercial versions, you can add a captcha to the AcyMailing subscription form
verif email
Check if the domain exists : If you enable this option, AcyMailing will perform a test on the domain name to make sure the domain exists before allowing the user to subscribe. For example, if a user submits the e-mail address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. then Acy will check if the domain exists and if not, it will not allow the user to subscribe and will ask for a valid e-mail address. This option is turned OFF by default as some hosting companies won't enable you to do this verification but we recommend you to turn it ON and then check again the subscription form to make sure everything is still working fine.
BotScout integration : AcyMailing will connect to to check if the e-mail address or IP used does not belong to a bot. You need to generate a key on their website to use their service.
StopForumSpam integration : AcyMailing will connect to to check if the e-mail address or IP used does not belong to a bot.
Limit same IP subscriptions : AcyMailing will limit the subscriptions to maximum 3 per two hours from the same IP.
Allowed Files : List of allowed file extensions for the attachments.
Upload Folder : Folder in which the attachments will be uploaded to. Please make sure this folder is writeable otherwise AcyMailing won't be able to upload your files in it.
Media Folder : If you use the AcyEditor, it will display pictures stored in the specified folder. By default it's media/com_acymailing/upload but you can change it to your "images" folder for example.
You can customize the upload and media folders. You can make sure each user uses its own folder by adding the code {userid} which will be replaced by the ID of the current user or by using {groupid} which will be replaced by the ID of the user group. You can also use the {groupname} tag for the group name. {listalias} is also available but be careful as the users can change their subscription to the lists. For example: images/pict_{userid}
We won't let you compromise your website... Some files will still be blocked even if you allow the extension on your configuration.
AcyMailing can handle millions of users but you may store an important amount of data for statistics purpose. AcyMailing enables you to clean up your detailed statistics table automatically. This process is triggered every Sunday via the cron task (the same as for other processes).
Database Maintenance
Delete detailed statistics after : Detailed statistics will be deleted if they have been recorded more than X months ago. Acy will delete statistics such as "This user opened that Newsletter on ..." or "This user clicked on that link from the Newsletter on..."
Delete user history after : The user history will be deleted if the recorded information is more than X months old. This action will delete information from the user profile such as bounce e-mails details, confirmations, forward actions... well, everything you can see under the "history" tab on the user profile. If you set this option to 0, Acy will keep everything and will never delete your history or statistics.
Check database integrity : If you click on this button, AcyMailing will perform a few tests to make sure your database structure is up to date. We may add additional tests in the future. You can safely click on it at any time to check your database structure.
This screen displays the list of plugins used by AcyMailing.
The first listing, "Plugins for the tag system", is a list of plugins called by AcyMailing before sending each message.
As a developer, you can develop new plugins to integrate anything in your Newsletter.
AcyMailing uses the Joomla Plugin System.
The second listing, "Integrations with AcyMailing", is a list of events called by other components which trigger AcyMailing. You can edit the plugin AcyMailing : (auto)Subscribe during Joomla registration to display your lists on the Joomla registration page... Please make sure this plugin is always enabled as it handles the synchronisation with your Joomla users.
You can click on each Enabled button in order to publish or unpublish each plugin.
Some plugins have parameters. You can click on the name of the plugin in order to edit those parameters.
If you click on each plugin, you will also see a "Help" button at the top of each plugin page so that you can know what each plugin does.
This listing displays the list of languages of your website (Front-End). For each language, you can edit the AcyMailing language file.
Most of languages files are included in the package so during the AcyMailing installation process, the language files are automatically installed so you don't have to do anything on your end. Nevertheless some of the languages are not included in the package (we could not include them all, it takes too much space). In that case you should click on the create button and the latest version of this language will be directly loaded from our website. Then you simply have to save the language to have it on your website.
Please don't forget to share your translated language files so that we can include them in our next release.
If you use our free version, a "powered by" logo will be inserted at the bottom of your emails.
If you upgrade to one of our paid versions, this logo will be automatically removed.
We want to provide a solution for sending Newsletters to all users, to all budgets. Joomla empowers thousands of websites for free and we think all Joomla extensions should have a free version as well. At Acyba, we not only develop and maintain this free version but we also answer all questions on our forum... because if the user has a question, we consider the software has rooms for improvements. So if you have any issue, a member of our team will help you regardless you are using our free version or a paid one. We believe in this philosophy and we still want to provide a free version and continue to support it with the hours of support it takes to our team. To help us maintain this high quality service for absolutely all our users you have two solutions :
Include our logo in your Newsletters so you help us to promote our extension
Upgrade to one of our paid versions to support our work (and get rid of our logo!)