Plugin: JomSocial
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​This plugin enables you to include in your Newsletter or any other e-mail JomSocial Information on the user (Group, Username...).
When writing a Newsletter, click on the Tag button to access the AcyMailing tag system and being able to include any personal information in your Newsletter.
Go to the JomSocial tab. You will see 8 sub-tabs.
The first tab, Users, allows you to insert users from JomSocial.
Max. number of items: Maximum number of users to display
Columns: Number of users on a row
Order by: The order criterion to use. Once the tag generated, it will appear as [...]|order:,DESC[...]. You can change the DESC keyword to ASC to reverse the order
Number of characters (About Me): Number of characters to crop the "About me" field to
Regarding the Thumbnail field (= user avatar), here is a description of the available options
Resized: Resizes the image to fit in a box of the specified size (pixels). Keeps the proportions
Required: Ensure that only users with a custom avatar are displayed, not those with the default avatar
If you want to change the display order of one of the field (for example, email before karma), just change it in the generated tag.
Thus, |fields:title,karma,email" becomes |fields:title,email,karma
Please note that the "Name" field ("title" in the tag) will always be displayed first, whatever it's position in the tag.
You can choose to not display the first n users by adding |start:n to your tag, with n being an integer greater than 0.
This parameter works for all the tabs (Videos, Groups,...).
To not render the labels, add the parameter |nolabel. It also works with the other tabs.
Finally, you can define your own template by creating a file named "jomsocialusers.php" in "/media/com_acymailing/plugins/".
Most of the data you may want is in $user, $juser, $image, $profileLink and $extraFields variables.
For more information, have a look at _replaceusers() in the plugin's source code.
The second tab, Videos, enables you to insert videos from JomSocial.
You can restrict displayed videos to some categories only. To achieve that, select one or more categories in the Categories section.
Top parameters are the same as Users tab.
You can define your own template by creating a file named "jomsocialvideos.php" in "/media/com_acymailing/plugins/".
Most of the data you may want is in $video and $image variables.
For more information, have a look at _replacevideos() in the plugin's source code.
The third tab, Groups, works the same way as the previous tab. The main difference is it inserts groups instead of videos.
You can define your own template by creating a file named "jomsocialgroups.php" in "/media/com_acymailing/plugins/".
Most of the data you may want is in $group and $image variables.
For more information, have a look at _replacegroups() in the plugin's source code.
The fourth tab, Discussions, allows you to insert discussions from JomSocial. It is no different than Groups and Videos tabs, except you cannot restrict discussions by categories.
You can define your own template by creating a file named "jomsocialdiscuss.php" in "/media/com_acymailing/plugins/".
Most of the data you may want is in $discuss and $image variables.
For more information, have a look at _replacediscuss() in the plugin's source code.
As you can guess, the fifth tab enables you to insert events from JomSocial.
Two new parameters are available
Upcoming Events: When checked, will only display events whose start date is in the future
Type: JomSocial events can be of type User (birthday,...) or Group (meeting,...). The checkboxes let you choose the type(s) to display.
You can define your own template by creating a file named "jomsocialevents.php" in "/media/com_acymailing/plugins/".
Most of the data you may want is in $event and $image variables.
For more information, have a look at _replaceevents() in the plugin's source code.
The sixth tab can be used to display Photo Albums in a similar way than Users, Videos, Discussions, Groups and Events. No new parameter.
You can define your own template by creating a file named "jomsocialalbums.php" in "/media/com_acymailing/plugins/".
Most of the data you may want is in $album and $image variables.
For more information, have a look at _replacealbums() in the plugin's source code.
Use this tab when you want to display a list of photos from JomSocial.
Unlike the previous tabs, you cannot choose to display any field.
If there is a caption, it will be displayed when hovering the image.
You can define your own template by creating a file named "jomsocialphotos.php" in "/media/com_acymailing/plugins/".
Most of the data you may want is in $link, $onePhoto and $image variables.
For more information, have a look at _replacephotos() in the plugin's source code.
This tab enables you to include in your Newsletter or any other e-mail the User's Information from JomSocial.
It will only works if all your visitors are linked to a JomSocial User! If you allow simple visitors to subscribe to your Mailing Lists, you may have subscribers in AcyMailing which are not registered on your website. Indeed, it will be impossible to replace the information in that case (the tag will simply be ignored and replaced with an empty string).
You can resize thumb and avatar fields by setting parameters maxwidth and maxheight in the tag. For example: {jomsocialfield:avatar|maxwidth:87|maxheight:103}
Click on one of the jomSocial user field to directly see the tag inserted in your Newsletter.
You can copy/paste the generated tag in your Text area or even in the Subject of your Newsletter if you want to.
The fields "avatar" and "thumb" will be replaced by the avatar picture or the thumbnail avatar picture of the user.
You can set a filter on any information of the JomSocial User profile
JomSocial filter
You can style generated elements by putting this rules in your template's stylesheet
There is no parameters for this AcyMailing Plugin.