Latest Newsletters module
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The AcyMailing module enables you to display the latest Newsletters on your website, the same way the mod_latestnews module would do it for your Joomla Articles.
Log in to your backend and click on the menu "Extensions -> Install/Uninstall".
Browse for the AcyMailing module you just downloaded and then click on the button "Upload File & Install".
You should now see the AcyMailing Module on your Joomla Module Manager. Don't forget to enable this module.
Lists: Click on the "select" button to select the lists in which AcyMailing will pick up your Newsletters
Number of Newsletters: Specify the number of Newsletters you want to display on the module
Ordering: Select how AcyMailing should order your Newsletters
Itemid: ID of a Joomla menu linked to AcyMailing. Please specify this parameter only if you have access issues, otherwise leave it empty.
Display in a popup: Do you want AcyMailing to open your archive in a popup or inside your Joomla template?
Display send date: Do you want to display the send date on the latest Newsletter module?
Display the user's Newsletters: If the user is logged in, should AcyMailing display the Newsletters the user received?
Date format: Set the date format to display on the module.
If there are no newsletter to display in the list you chose, you will see this message in the module: "Please make sure you have a published and visible Newsletter attached to your list".
If you want to change this message, you can add a custom translation in the Acymailing configuration, tab Languages by adding this: NO_LATEST_NEWSLETTER="Your own message here"
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