Fabrik Form and AcyMailing


If you use Fabrik on your website, you can integrate AcyMailing with Fabrik so that when a user submits a Fabrik Form, this user is also subscribed to one or several AcyMailing Lists.

This method requires the AcyMailing subscription via URL (available from AcyMailing Essential on).

Integration with Fabrik

Step 1: Test the subscription via URL

Please make sure you successfully tested the subscription via URL before trying to integrate AcyMailing and Fabrik.

Step 2: Include the AcyMailing subscription URL in your Fabrik form

Once you tested your subscription via URL, you want the fields name and e-mail to be automatically replaced by the information sent in the Fabrik form.

Go to the Fabrik back-end and click on the menu Elements.

You will see a list of elements that you can include in your Form with the equivalent field name (you will have to remember this field name to include it in your URL).

In our example, we will use the default Fabrik form "Contact Us" so we will use the fields email, first_name and last_name.

Fabrik fields

Once you wrote somewhere the fields name that you want to include, click on the menu Forms.

Click on the form you want to edit. In our example we will edit the form "Contact Us".

On the right area of the form edit, you will be able to add a redirection after submitting the form.

Click on the tab Submission plug-ins, then click on the configure your action :

Do redirect in Front end on New.

Enter your AcyMailing subscription url in the field Jump page (the one you tested!) and add the dynamic fields {first_name} and {email} instead of the name and e-mail you tested. Example : index.php?option=com_acymailing&ctrl=sub&task=optin&hiddenlists=1,4&user[name]={first_name}&user[email]={email}

fabrik redirect url

Save the form.

Test this Fabrik form on your front-end and make sure the user is added and subscribed properly to AcyMailing.

Then, you can add a redirect link to the AcyMailing subscription url so that the user will be redirected to your own thank you page.

Last updated