Plugin: Website Links


This plugin enables you to include links to your website in your Newsletter such as the "view it in your browser" or the "forward to a friend".

The "forward to a friend" link is only available from AcyMailing Essential and you have to turn the option ON in the AcyMailing Configuration page.


If you click on one of the two links, the default text will be displayed on the input box. You can customize the text as you wish and once you're done, click on the button "Insert the tag" in order to see it in your Newsletter Editor. If you send or preview your Newsletter, the tag will be replaced with a link to your online version or to the forward to a friend feature.

Plugin Link

The "forward to a friend" link is only included in our commercial versions and you first have to enable this feature on the AcyMailing configuration page to be able to include this link.

Config forward


You can access the plugin parameters by editing the plugin "website links" form the AcyMailing configuration page.

Website links plugin

Website Links params

  • Add Newsletter key : If your Newsletter can't be accessible from the front-end (option "visible" set to No in your Newsletter or if the list assigned to that Newsletter is not publicly accessible) then the online version link will only work if you include the Newsletter key (this option should be enabled).

  • Add User key : Do you want the personal tags to be replaced in your online version? If so, you should keep this option enabled. If you turn OFF this option, the user won't see his personal information in the online version.

  • Display the online version : You can choose to display the online version of your Newsletter inside your standard template or using the template Component (so no template). If you choose the template component (No template), the Newsletter will be displayed without any Joomla Module. This option is not used any more as you can select it when inserting the tag.

  • Display the forward version : You can choose to display the forward version of your Newsletter inside your standard template or using the template Component (so no template). If you choose the template component (No template), the Newsletter will be displayed without any Joomla Module. This option is not used any more as you can select it when inserting the tag.

  • Front-end Access: You can restrict the access to this plugin on the Front-end using this option

There is another solution to keep your standard template but not display the Joomla modules:

  • Create a menu item for the AcyMailing component (don't publish it on your website if you don't want to)

  • Go on your AcyMailing Configuration page (tab Interfaces) and select this menu in the dropdown Menu linked to AcyMailing

  • Configure all your Joomla modules to not be displayed if this menu is selected (using the Menu Assignment option for each published Module in the Joomla Module manager)

Last updated