Plugin: Easy Profile


This plugin enables you to insert users (one by one or by a selection of one or several groups) from Easy Profile in your AcyMailing newsletters.

You can use this plugin with the AcyMailing Smart-Newsletter feature to create a weekly newsletter and automatically send the newly created profiles.

This plugin also enables you to include personal data from Easy Profile in your AcyMailing newsletters so that you can include the Easy Profile avatar of the receiver in your emails for example.

You will also be able to filter users based on their Easy Profile data so you can send a Newsletter to segment of your list based on the Easy Profile information (only to Male for example).

If you own one of the paid versions of AcyMailing, you can download this plugin, then install and publish it like a standard Joomla plugin:


Single User

You can use this interface to insert any user in your Newsletter.

Each user can be selected one by one.

  • Display: Select the information you want to be displayed in your user's description, you can select core fields and extra fields.

  • Clickable Title: Make the title (name) clickable (so linked to the user page) or not.

  • Read More: Add a "read more" link at the end of the user's description (so linked to the user page)

  • Display pictures: You can decide to display, resize or not display the pictures in your user's description (avatar, image field, image in text field...).

  • Truncate the text after...: It will truncate the text fields value, keep "0" or empty if you do not want to truncate it

  • Additional parameters:

    • Itemid: You can specify the itemid used in the links to the user page by adding "|itemid:XXX" in your tag


You can select one or several group and AcyMailing will automatically include the users from the selected groups.

  • Max. Number of items: The inserted tag will be replaced by a maximum of X users.

  • Min. Number of items: This option will only be displayed if you access this plugin for a Smart-Newsletter. AcyMailing will only generates your Smart-Newsletter if the minimum number of users found is reached.

  • Filter: You can choose to insert only newly created users (created after the last time the newsletter was generated). This option is only visible if you access this plugin for a Smart-Newsletter

  • Order by: Order the users by ID, created date, etc...

  • Columns: Display the users in one, two or more columns

User fields

You can use this interface to insert your user's information in your newsletter by clicking on it.


You can filter your AcyMailing subscribers based on EasyProfile information.

  • Easy Profile fields: Select the EasyProfile field or extra field, the operator then the value. If there are less than 100 possible values, it will show a list of possible values (for the core fields).


  • Display profiles: This parameter enables you to filter the list of users in the tag system

    • All profiles: AcyMailing will display all your users

    • Only published profiles: AcyMailing will only display your published users

  • Front-end Access: You can choose to not display this tag and filter system on the front-end

Customize your EasyProfile user template

Customize your user using some CSS

You can change the styles used for the title and the content area by editing your AcyMailing template.

Edit the AcyMailing template used for your Newsletter and then set some styles:

  • Style for the content area will be used to encompass your user

  • Style for the content title will be applied to your user name

  • Style for the read more link will be applied to your read more link (if you have one)

  • You can also set the style of all your links using the Link a field

Set styles template

Create your own template

You can also modify the way your EasyProfile user is displayed by creating your own template which will be used to render the user. Please follow those instructions, we don't recommend you to modify the EasyProfile plugin directly otherwise your changes will be overwritten when you update the plugin.

Create a file in the folder media / com_acymailing / plugins (if the folder does not exist, please create it first). The name of the file should be easyprofile.php If this file is available on your server, AcyMailing will use it and won't use the default one.

On this file you can access the element $varFields (which contains all the user information), the element $tag (which contains the information of the current tag used in your Newsletter) and $link (the user link)

You can insert the user information using this simple syntax : {firstname}, {email}, or {link}

Using all those variables, you can create your own user template.

Here is an example:

<div class="acymailing_content">{avatarhtml}<a href="{link}" target="_blank" ><h2 class="acymailing_title">{firstname} {lastname}</h2></a>Email: {email}<br/>Registered Date: {registerDate}</div>

Last updated