Newsletter archive section

Archive one list

Thanks to an AcyMailing menu you can display the name and description of a selected list on a page of your website.

This way users can view all the newsletters you already sent to this list, even if they are not subscribed to it.

In the Joomla menu manager create a new menu and select as a menu item type the AcyMailing menu entitled "Mailing List Archive (single)".

If you manage several lists, do not forget to select the list you want to be displayed.

You can modify the layout of your archive section in the AcyMailing configuration : "configuration / interfaces / archive section" and check your favourite options.

Since AcyMailing 4.9.0, two fields "Thumbnail" and "Summary" were added to the newsletter's interface. These fields are now displayed in the archive section, but if you want to get back the old way it was displayed, you could edit the "Component Front-end CSS file" option in the AcyMailing configuration page, tab "Interfaces" then add the following CSS code (the table header will not appear):

#acyarchivelisting .archiveRow .acyarchivetitle{ display:inline; } #acyarchivelisting .sentondate{ display:inline; float: right; }

If you want to display the "Receive via email" checkbox on a new line, you can also add this CSS code in addition to the previous one:

#acyarchivelisting .receiveviaemail{ float: left; width: 100%; }

Archive all lists

The same way you add an AcyMailing menu for the "archive one list" section you can create a section to display all your Lists using the menu entitled "Mailing Lists archive (all)".

This menu enables you to display all your Mailing Lists on your website and the newsletters belonging to them.

Show the latest newsletter

The AcyMailing menu entitled "Latest Newsletter" enables you to display the latest published and visible newsletter on your website.

If you manage several lists, do not forget to select from which list you want to extract the latest newsletter.

Show the latest newsletters in a module

You can display a listing of selected newsletters in a module, so that your user can choose the newsletter he wants to read.

This feature is available thanks to an AcyMailing plugin entitled "Latest Newsletters (module)" that you can download in our plugin section.

To configure it, please go to our detailed documentation.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why my Newsletter does not appear on my archive section?

For your Newsletter to appear on your archive section you should make sure that:

  • Your Newsletter is assigned to the right list. Even if you don't send it, don't forget to assign it to the right list!

  • Your Newsletter is published.

  • Your Newsletter is set as visible.

Last updated