
The AcyMailing plugin for Hikashop enables you to add specific content in your emails, filter users on their purchases and trigger an automation when an order is confirmed.

Insert Hikashop data in an email

Product one by one

  • Content to insert: The listed products are order by ID or creation date descending. You can search on products name and select a specific category.

  • Display: Select the information you want to show in your emails

  • Pictures: If you select "No", any image in the product's description will be removed. The main picture is only impacted by the resize option.

  • Price: You can also choose if you want to display prices and if you want to show discount on them.

  • Clickable title: When clicking on the product's name, the product's page will open.

  • Truncate the text: The product's description may be too long for a newsletter, you can limit the text's length with this option.

  • Custom view: You can edit the view of the articles that you insert

Trigger an automation when an order is confirmed

The trigger will only be available if the Hikashop component is installed.

You can choose on which Hikashop status this automation should be triggered. Each time an order switch to one of the selected statuses, the automation will be triggered.

Filter users on their purchases

The filter will only be available if the Hikashop component is installed.

You can select users depending on their purchase:

  • Product: it can be "At least one product" or a specific product.

  • Category: you can limit the filter on the purchase to a specific category.

  • Creation date: you can limit the filter on the purchase to a specific time frame.


Here are the settings available for this add-on: Custom view: override the content inserted in your email Front-end access: this settings allows you let your users access to this add-on in the frontend campaign management or not Price with tax: this option the price with the tax or without the tax Only insert products in stock: this option allows to display only product in stock or not

Subscribe users on Hikashop registration / checkout

You can enable the subscription to AcyMailing during the Hikashop user creation during the checkout or on the Hikashop registration form.

In the AcyMailing configuration, tab Subscription, you can enable this subscription to display your lists on the Hikashop forms. You can choose:

  • The label that will be displayed

  • The lists the user can select

  • The lists that are check by default

  • The lists the user will be automatically subscribed to. Note that lists set with this parameter won't be visible for the user.

  • After which element the subscribe zone will be

Last updated