POP/IMAP configurations
Server: (or
Port: 143
Connection Method: IMAP
Secure Method: - - -
Self-signed certificates: No
Your e-mail account/password
If you want to use your GMail account to handle the bounces, you should first enable the IMAP connection on your GMail account settings and then configure AcyMailing:
Server: (if it does not work, you should try with
Port: 993
Connection Method: IMAP
Secure Method: SSL
Self-signed certificates: Yes
Your GMail username/password
If you have an authentication issue with GMail whereas you're absolutely 100% sure about your username and password, please:
Make sure you enabled the IMAP connection on your GMail account
Try to unlock your GMail account, sometimes GMail blocks the application:
Gmail apparently added a security for the Imap connection so if you cannot manage to set the connection up, enable the option "Authorize less secured applications" in the Gmail account's parameters, section "Connection and security".
Port: 110
Connection Method: POP3 (without imap extension)
Secure Method: - - -
Self-signed certificates: No
Your e-mail account/password
Port: 110
Connection Method: POP3
Secure Method: - - -
Self-signed certificates: No
Your e-mail account/password
Port: 995
Connection Method: POP3
Secure Method: SSL
Self-signed certificates: Yes
Your e-mail account/password
Connection errors
The extension "php_imap.dll" could not be loaded
AcyMailing uses special php functions to connect to your mailbox, it requires the PHP Imap extension to be installed on your server.
Even if you use the POP3 connection, AcyMailing will need this PHP extension which handles all the communication with your mail server.
Please enable this extension on your php.ini file or contact your hosting company to enable this extension on your website.
If you cannot enable this extension, you can use the Connection method : POP3 without IMAP extension, this method has been only developed for users not being able to enable the IMAP PHP extension on their server.
Certificate failure
Your mail server apparently need you to sign a certificate to enable you the connection to your mailbox.
You should turn on the option "Self-signed Certificates" and give it a new try.
This is a typical error when your website can not connect to your mail server.
This is not a problem of authentication but really a problem of mail server address or port.
In our screen-shot, we were using the wrong port. The default port are:
110 for POP3
143 for IMAP
993 for IMAP when using a secured connection
Invalid Remote Specification
The error message "Invalid remote specification" may appear if your php_imap module has not been compiled with ssl support. You will need to ask your web host to recompile php and add the --with-imap-ssl option to the configure command.
Last updated
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