Create a newsletter subscription form for WordPress using AcyMailing
You created some contact lists and are ready to create and send awesome newsletters? Well first you'll have to give your users a way to subscribe to your contact lists!
The best way to do it is to show a subscription form somewhere on your website, and lucky for you we created one in the widgets section of your site ;)
If you use Gutenberg to edit your posts or your pages and you and to insert an AcyMailing subscription form, you can simply add an AcyMailing subscription form block:
Once you have added your subscription form you will have several options on the right panel:
Title: the title of your subscription form, works like any other widget
Display mode:
If you select "Tableless", AcyMailing will use <div> elements to display your fields so you can customize them the way you want via CSS
If you select "horizontal", the fields will be displayed horizontally, can be used in a footer for example
If you select "vertical", the fields will be vertically aligned
Subscribe button text: By default, the text "Subscribe" will be shown on the subscription button that submits the form. But you can display any text on it.
You can even use the value "ACYM_MY_SUBSCRIBE_BUTTON_TEXT", then go in the AcyMailing configuration tab "Languages", edit the language files then add your new translation key. It's not that easy to do and requires some steps, but at least you can do it if you need ;)
Automatically subscribe to: The selected lists will be added on the form but they will be hidden, which means the user will be automatically subscribed to those lists if he clicks the subscribe button
Please do not select the same lists for the visible lists and this field, it has no interest. If you do so the lists won't be visible.
Displayed lists: The selected lists will be displayed as visible on the form
Lists checked by default: The selected lists will be checked by default, if they are shown on the form.
Some countries do not allow you to check lists by default if it isn't for "non-profit". This option will let you easily check some lists and not others in order to stay compliant with your local rules.
Display the lists: Choose if you want to show the lists before or after the fields
Fields to display: You can select the fields you want to display on your form. If you use AcyMailing Enterprise, you will be able to create additional fields and select them the same way.
Display text mode: Choose if you rather want the text "Name" and "Email" to be inside the Name and Email fields or outside. It will act on all AcyMailing fields
Display user information if logged in: If the user is logged in, the lists he is already subscribed to will be checked by default, and the email (and all other fields) will be already filled in (so the user only has to click a button to subscribe instead of having to fill in the form)
Terms and conditions: You can select a WordPress post or page with this option, it will be shown at the bottom of the form (in a link creating another browser tab) and the user won't be able to submit the form if he doesn't tick the checkbox
Privacy policy: Same option as the previous one, useful if you want to have two separate articles for terms&conditions and privacy policy
Success message: Choose the way to display the success message after subscription. You can:
replace the form
replace the form for a few seconds and display the form again
display the message above the form for a few seconds then hide the message
reload the page displaying the message in the template message area
Confirmation message: The message displayed after submitting the form. Not shown when redirecting to an external website
Redirect link: If an URL is specified, the user will be redirected to this page after being subscribed
Unsubscribe button text: Text displayed on the unsubscribe button. Just like the subscribe button, you can use a translation key here
Redirection after unsubscribing: If an URL is specified, the user will be redirected to this page after being unsubscribed. Note that you can use an external URL
Intro text: The text you write in this option will be displayed just before the subscription form
Post text: The text you write in this option will be displayed just after the subscription form
Load javascript module: Switch this option if you have an error when trying to submit the form (it is used when there is an incompatibility with an other plugin)
Alignment: Align the fields contained in the form on the left, center or right
Source: You can specify a "source" on which you'll be able to filter your AcyMailing users later (in the automations for example). Please don't use spaces or special characters for this option. Example: form_homepage_en
If you don't see these option on the right toolbar and you subscription form is insert try to click on the Show more settings button in the block options:
A very large number of WordPress users use Elementor to build their website, to make your life easier we created an Elementor widget to easily insert an AcyMailing subscription form.
First thing to do is to search the AcyMailing category and then insert the AcyMailing subscription form:
Then all of the options will appear in the left panel.
In the "Appearance" => Widgets section of your site, you can drag&drop the widget named "AcyMailing: Newsletter subscription form" in the zone you want the form to be displayed:
Configure the form
Title: the title of your subscription form, works like any other widget
Display mode:
If you select "Tableless", AcyMailing will use <div> elements to display your fields so you can customize them the way you want via CSS
If you select "horizontal", the fields will be displayed horizontally, can be used in a footer for example
If you select "vertical", the fields will be vertically aligned
Automatically subscribe to: The selected lists will be added on the form but they will be hidden, which means the user will be automatically subscribed to those lists if he clicks the subscribe button
Please do not select the same lists for the visible lists and this field, it has no interest. If you do so the lists won't be visible.
Displayed lists: The selected lists will be displayed as visible on the form
Lists checked by default: The selected lists will be checked by default, if they are shown on the form.
Some countries do not allow you to check lists by default if it isn't for "non-profit". This option will let you easily check some lists and not others in order to stay compliant with your local rules.
Display the lists: Choose if you want to show the lists before or after the fields
Fields to display: You can select the fields you want to display on your form. If you use AcyMailing Enterprise, you will be able to create additional fields and select them the same way.
Display text mode: Choose if you rather want the text "Name" and "Email" to be inside the Name and Email fields or outside. It will act on all AcyMailing fields
Subscribe button text: By default, the text "Subscribe" will be shown on the subscription button that submits the form. But you can display any text on it.
You can even use the value "ACYM_MY_SUBSCRIBE_BUTTON_TEXT", then go in the AcyMailing configuration tab "Languages", edit the language files then add your new translation key. It's not that easy to do and requires some steps, but at least you can do it if you need ;)
Subscribe button text for logged in users: The exact same option as the previous one, except that this text will only be used for the subscribe button if the current user is logged in on your website
Terms and conditions: You can select a WordPress post or page with this option, it will be shown at the bottom of the form (in a link creating another browser tab) and the user won't be able to submit the form if he doesn't tick the checkbox
Privacy policy: Same option as the previous one, useful if you want to have two separate articles for terms&conditions and privacy policy
Unsubscribe button text: Text displayed on the unsubscribe button. Just like the subscribe button, you can use a translation key here
Redirection after unsubscribing: If an URL is specified, the user will be redirected to this page after being unsubscribed. Note that you can use an external URL
Success message: Choose the way to display the success message after subscription. You can:
replace the form
replace the form for a few seconds and display the form again
display the message above the form for a few seconds then hide the message
reload the page displaying the message in the template message area
Confirmation message: The message displayed after submitting the form. Not shown when redirecting to an external website
Redirect link: If an URL is specified, the user will be redirected to this page after being subscribed
Intro text: The text you write in this option will be displayed just before the subscription form
Post text: The text you write in this option will be displayed just after the subscription form
Display user information if logged in: If the user is logged in, the lists he is already subscribed to will be checked by default, and the email (and all other fields) will be already filled in (so the user only has to click a button to subscribe instead of having to fill in the form)
Form CSS class: This option allows you to add a CSS class directly on the form. You will then be able to customise the form using some CSS coding
Load javascript module: Switch this option if you have an error when trying to submit the form (it is used when there is an incompatibility with an other plugin)
Alignment: Align the fields contained in the form on the left, center or right
Source: You can specify a "source" on which you'll be able to filter your AcyMailing users later (in the automations for example). Please don't use spaces or special characters for this option. Example: form_homepage_en
Allowing the visitors of your website to subscribe to your newsletters is cool, but what if some bots tried to submit the form a million times, just for fun?
Worry not, you will find some very useful options in the AcyMailing configuration page, tab "Security" for cases like this one. I will let you discover them on the documentation page dedicated to the configuration :)