Compatibility issues
You will hopefully find here solutions for the most obscure issues that could happen using AcyMailing
Error when trying to activate the automated tasks
One common reason for this is that your cron URL cannot be reached by our server:
call rejected by a security option/module => you can whitelist our IP
a redirection is performed on the cron URL => exclude the URL
an optimisation plugin such as "Asset CleanUp Pro: Page Speed Booster" changes the content returned => exclude the URL
Error when saving a template
On Joomla if you have the Securitycheck Pro extension, it can block the template save process. You can add an exception in it for AcyMailing.
Submitting the subscription form doesn't work
If you have modified your .htaccess file and some form validations don't work anymore, you should modify your rules to replace [L] flags by [P] flags.
If you have Jyaml as template, enable/disable the option for "empty" module
If it only happens for a specific browser, disable your extensions (the "duckduckgo" extension for Firefox for example)
The email editor is broken
If you have the System plugin Responsive scrolling tables, disable it.
I turned my website into multisite network and now I have error messages about missing tables
If AcyMailing was already installed when you turned your WordPress website into a multisite network, you may need to re-run the AcyMailing installation scripts to set it up correctly for your network. To do this you can update AcyMailing, upload the latest installation package to replace the current one, or you can follow these 3 steps:
Disable AcyMailing (this won't remove its data)
Create an empty file wp-content / plugins / acymailing / update.php
Enable back AcyMailing
The archive listing redirects to the online version of the first email
If this happens on a Joomla website, it could be caused by the system plugin "AntiCopy" when framing is Disallowed. Change its options or disable this plugin to fix the issue.
Error 449 when trying to access statistics pages
This might be caused by the Referer Spam Protection option in the Nginx firewall settings.
Apple mail crashes when opening the emails I send
You may need to generate a new DKIM entry to fix this issue, even if it is already valid. We're not entirely sure as to why apple mail would crash like this, but it has been observed that disabling the DKIM option solves the issue.
Last updated
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