Detailed Statistics

The detailed statics allow you to see the statistics for one user, who open what when and how many times.

  • Send date: The date that the email has been sent.

  • Email subject: The name of the email, if it's a campaign you can click on it to go on the summary of it.

  • User: The email of the user, if you click on it you can edit the user.

  • Name: the name of the user

  • Total click: The total number of clicks on links in the email, the same link can count multiple times

  • Opened: The number of time the user opened the email.

  • Open date: The date the user opened the mail.

  • Bounces: If the sent email bounced or not

  • Sent: If the mail was sent there is a green check and if not there is a red icon.

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