Create Custom Field
Create your first AcyMailing custom fields
After you've click on Create in the listing you'll see this page.
As you can see several actions new options that you can set on the right:
Backend edition: Show the field on the backend edition
Backend listing: Show the field on the backend listing
Frontend edition (Joomla! only): Show the field on the frontend edition
Frontend listing (Joomla! only): Show the field on the frontend listing
But there is other information to fill, and the first one is the name of you custom field the only one required. All the information that you see after Editable on user modification will depend on the type of field you've choose.
Here are the different field types:
Single Dropdown
Multiple Dropdown
Custom Text
Gender field
We will now add a Gender field as our goal is to include in our Newsletter "Hello Mr John..."
These are the information to fill:
Field type: Single Dropdown
We add a series of values. The first one will be selected by default since it doesn't have anything in "Value".
Note that you can drag and drop the values like in the listing.
Birthday field
We will create a birthday field so you can send an email on the birthday of your users
The Field type to choose is Date
We'll make it required to make sure to have this information to send birthday email.
You can customise the format of your date field, for example %d%m%y will display 01/12/1989
Multilingual Site
If you activated the multilingual option in the AcyMailing configuration you will be able to translate every custom field name when it is displayed in the frontend.
Last updated