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This add-on allows you to insert file descriptions into your emails.

This add-on is available with the Essential version.

Insert file descriptions in an email

  • Content to insert: The listed files are ordered by ID or creation date last to first. You can search on file names and select a specific category.

  • Display: You can choose which element of your file you want to insert, add the file link and more.

  • Format: You can choose how you want to display the inserted file. It uses the title, image and description, then any other information will be displayed bellow.

  • Pictures: Choose whether to display the pictures. You can automatically resize them to a specific size.

  • Clickable title: You can choose to add a link to the file on its title.

  • Clickable image: If switched on and the image is displayed, a link to the inserted file page will be added on it.

  • Truncate the text: You can choose to limit the number of characters that will be displayed for the description.

  • Custom view: You can edit the view of the files that you insert


The add-on settings are available in the AcyMailing menu named "Add-ons", click the black gear on your add-on card.

  • Custom view: replace the layout of the inserted content in your emails

  • Front-end access: this option lets you restrict the access to this add-on in the frontend campaign management

Last updated