Bounce handling

See how you can configure the way AcyMailing connects to a mailbox to handle bounces.

Feature limited to the Enterprise version.


You must use an email address dedicated to the bounce messages. Enter it in the "Bounce email address" field of the configuration:

Note that some sending methods may have restrictions on the bounce email address. It can be automatically changed to the "From" address you're using, or to a specific one defined by your sending method.

Once done, you can tell AcyMailing how to connect to this mailbox in the "Bounce handling" tab of its configuration page:

  • Server : The e-mail server AcyMailing should connect to to handle messages.

  • Port : You can leave this field empty if you don't know what to use.

    In most cases, it will be 143 for IMAP and 110 for POP3, or 993 for IMAP and 995 for POP3 when using a secured connection.

  • Connection method : We recommend using IMAP, but you can follow your mailbox provider's recommendations

  • Secure method : If you use GMail, you should select "SSL". It is always better to have a secured connection.

  • Self-Signed certificate : A mysterious option no one remembers what it does, try to switch this option if the connection fails.

  • Username : Username used to connect to your e-mail account. In most cases, it will be your bounce email address.

  • Password : Password used to connect to your e-mail account.

  • Connection timeout (seconds) : Set the maximum number of seconds AcyMailing should try to connect to your e-mail server before stopping. 10 seconds is a good default value.

  • Maximum number of e-mails : Each time AcyMailing will connect to your mailbox, it will handle a series of e-mails. You can set the maximum number of e-mails AcyMailing will handle at the same time (don't set 1M obviously).

  • Enable the automatic bounce handling : Once tested, you will want this system to run automatically and let AcyMailing do the job. Make sure a cron task is running.

  • Frequency: set the frequency you want AcyMailing to check your bounce mailbox.

  • Once it has been triggered, some reports will be displayed too (Last and next run time as well as a report).

If you're feeling really confident about your regex knowledge, you can configure in details the bounce rules here. The default rules are sufficient for most english bounce emails.

Connection to a Gmail account

You must either enable "less secure app connections" in your Google account, or use 2-Step Verification (you may need to use an App Password for the IMAP/POP3 connection, it can be generated in your account settings => Signing in to Google => App Passwords).

There are some extra steps for Gmail, you need to activate the IMAP or POP3 connection in the settings page:

We strongly recommend using the IMAP connection method, "POP3" and "POP3 without IMAP extension" are not handled correctly by some mail clients.

Connection with Outlook

Like Gmail, Microsoft is strengthens its security so the classic user/password may not work.

You need to set up a password application following this documentation:

Here is the configuration you need to have to connect to your Outlook mailbox

Last updated