

Here are the general information about your Mailbox Actions

  • Name: The name that you want to give

  • Enabled: If the Mailbox Actions should be processed

  • Frequency: The frequency when it should be process, note that the Mailbox Actions are run with the cron, so if you cron is every 15min and your Mailbox Actions frequency is 10min, it will still be processed every 15min

  • Description: If you want to add a description for other user to understand this Mailbox Actions


In this part you can configure the mailbox you want to connect to, this is the same configuration as the Bounce Handling.

  • Server : The e-mail server AcyMailing should connect to to handle messages.

  • Password : Password used to connect to your e-mail account.

  • Username : Username used to connect to your e-mail account. In most cases, it will be your bounce email address.

  • Connection method : We recommend using IMAP, but you can follow your mailbox provider's recommendations

  • Secure method : If you use GMail, you should select "SSL". It is always better to have a secured connection.

  • Port : You can leave this field empty if you don't know what to use.

    In most cases, it will be 143 for IMAP and 110 for POP3, or 993 for IMAP and 995 for POP3 when using a secured connection.

  • Self-Signed certificate : A mysterious option no one remembers what it does, try to switch this option if the connection fails.

The button Test connection allows you to test the connection to your mailbox, so once you've set all the fields you can test if everything works.


The conditions allows you to only take the emails that you want, for example you can only process the email coming from an email address to avoid spam email in your mailbox to be process.

  • Allowed sender: All the senders that emails will be processed by this Mailbox Actions, for example you may want just a user or a user subscribe to a specific list. A sender email address is the one in the "From email" when you receive an email

    • Everyone: Every mails will pass this condition

    • Specific addresses: Only the emails addresses that you set in the input bellow

    • User groups: User belonging to a specific groups

    • AcyMailing Lists: User subscribed to a specific list

  • Allowed subject: If you to process mails with a particular subject for example all mails starting by "Forward" will be taken into account

    • Any subject: Any subject will pass this condition

    • Begins with: All the subject starting with the text you've set in the input bellow

    • Contains: All the subject containing the text you've set in the input bellow

    • Ends with: All the subject ending with the text you've set in the input bellow

    • Regex: Process a regex and if a match is found it passes the condition

  • Delete not allowed emails: If the mail doesn't match the condition of the user and the sender it will be deleted from your mailbox. This may be import to let this mailbox clear because when we process it we only get the first 100 emails and starting with the oldest, so if you don't delete not necessary mails the Mailbox Actions will do nothing.

  • Remove from subject: If you have set a specific subject or a part of the subject you can delete that. For example if for you condition you add "Forward - " before, then you condition will be to match this text, you can delete this match and just keep the rest of the subject


This is were you can add the actions to do with the matching mails.

Here are the 4 actions:

  • Forward the message to: Forwards the mail to specific emails addresses, if the subscribers dont exists in AcyMailing they will be created to send the email.

  • Forward to a list: Creates a new campaign, assign it to a list and then sends it with the content of the email

  • Subscribe the user: Subscribes the user to a list

  • Unsubscribe the user: Unsubscribes the user to a list

In the Forward actions you can choose a template to include your content in it. For example you can set up a template with the tag {emailcontent} and then just send an email with text in it to your mailbox and it will be forwarded by AcyMailing in your beautiful template

  • Sender as From address: By default when AcyMailing will forward the email it will be forwarded with your AcyMailing configuration, but this option allows you to keep the user that sent the mail as "From" email address

  • Sender as Reply To address: By default when AcyMailing will forward the email it will be forwarded with your AcyMailing configuration, but this option allows you to keep the user that sent the mail as "Reply to" email address

Last updated