Content to insert: The listed downloads are order by ID or creation date descending. You can search on downloads name and select a specific category.
Display: You can choose which element of your download you want to insert.
Format: You can choose how you want to display the download inserted.
Display pictures: Choose whether to display the pictures. You can automatically resize them to a specific size.
Clickable title: You can choose to add a link to the download on its title.
Truncate the text: You can choose to limit the number of characters that will be displayed.
Custom view: You can edit the view of the downloads that you insert
If you select "By category", you will be able to insert multiple downloads at the same time
Content to insert: You can insert downloads of one or more categories, or all downloads if you don't select anything.
Display: You can choose which element of your downloads you want to insert.
Format: You can choose how you want to display the downloads inserted.
Display pictures: choose whether to display the pictures. You can automatically resize them to a specific size.
Clickable title: you can choose to add a link to the download on its title.
Truncate the text: you can choose to limit the number of characters that will be displayed.
Order by: By default, downloads are sorted by ID descending to show the most recent ones first.
Min. publishing date: Allow you to insert only downloads created/published since the specified date.
Columns: You can insert for example 2 downloads per row in your email.
Column horizontal padding: Allows you to adjust the horizontal padding between 2 columns
Column vertical padding: Allows you to adjust the vertical padding between 2 columns
Max.number of elements: This is the maximum number of downloads inserted in your email.
The options are the exact same as when inserting downloads by category, except that you'll insert downloads by tag. If you don't select any tag, all the downloads will be inserted
If you select "Coupon", you will be able to create a coupon per receiver and insert it in the email. You should make sure to personalize the coupon code as described next.
Discount name: This is for internal use only, and won't be seen by customers. Feel free to make it something descriptive and useful to you.
Discount code: it represents the pattern of the generated coupon the user will have to use on your shop. You can include tags which will be replaced during the send process.
[name]: will be replaced by the name of the user.
[userid]: will be replaced by the ID of the user.
[email]: will be replaced by the receiver's e-mail address.
[key]: will be replaced by a random key of 5 characters.
[value]: will be replaced by the amount of your discount.
You can also add any text if you want... the coupon code "discountFor[name]" will be replaced by "dicountForJohn" during the send process.
Discount type: You can choose between the different discount types (Percentage or Flat amount)
Discount amount: This needs to be a number. If Type is set to percentage then an amount of 10 is 10%. If Type is flat then an amount of 10 is $10.
Download Requirements:
This section has 3 parts.
First you may list one or more products that are required to be in the cart before the discount can be applied.
Secondly you may choose to either require all required downloads to be in the cart, or only one of the required downloads to be in the cart.
Thirdly you may choose to apply the discount to the entire purchase or only the downloads selected for this section.
Excluded downloads: Here you choose any items that cannot be discounted, regardless of whatever other settings might match to try to discount it.
Start date: With this tool you can set up a discount for a future start date. An excellent example is when you need to start a discount on a weekend, but you'll be away from your computer.
Expiration Date: Similar to Start date, but for an ending date. An example would be when you need it to stop at midnight, but you'll be in bed.
Max uses: Define what is the maximum uses of this discount.
Minimum Amount: This sets the minimum order total required before the discount can be applied.
Use once per customer: This provides the option to restrict a Discount to one user per customer.
Min number of elements: The minimum number of elements bought by the user you want to display, if the user didn't bought enough product we don't send the email
Max number of elements: The maximum number of downloads to display
Category filter: This will filter the download by categories, this way you can insert only one or multiple types of downloads
Start date: The date from which AcyMailing will look for orders from the user
Display: You can choose which element of your download you want to insert.
Format: You can choose how you want to display the download(s) inserted.
Display pictures: Choose whether to display the pictures. You can automatically resize them to a specific size.
Clickable title: You can choose to add a link to the download on its title.
Truncate the text: You can choose to limit the number of characters that will be displayed.
You can insert downloads from the receiver cart if it is not empty.
Min number of elements: The minimum number of elements the user's cart you want to display, if there isn't enough download the mail won't be sent for this user
Max number of elements: The maximum number of downloads to display
Category filter: This will filter the download by categories, this way you can insert only one or multiple types of downloads
Display: You can choose which element of your download you want to insert.
Display pictures: Choose whether to display the pictures. You can automatically resize them to a specific size.
Clickable title: You can choose to add a link to the product on its title.
Truncate the text: You can choose to limit the number of characters that will be displayed.