Show an archive of the sent newsletters

If you want to display an archive of the sent emails, you can insert one of our page blocks named "AcyMailing: Newsletter archive". For this, edit a page or a post, add a block and search it:


  • Title: The text displayed above the archive block.

  • Campaigns number per page: The archive has a pagination, you can thus choose the number of campaigns shown per page.

  • Visible lists: By default all the sent campaigns are listed, but you can choose to only display campaigns sent to specific lists.

  • Open the campaigns in a popup: When clicking on the listed campaigns, it either opens a preview of it in a popup or in a new tab.

  • Filter campaigns with connected subscriber lists: You can choose to display all campaigns or only the ones the currently logged in user received.


The block's design will follow your theme's, but if needed, you can add a custom CSS class under its "Advanced" options.

By clicking on an email subject, the email appear in a popup.

Last updated